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We know how important home inspections are to your clients and your business.

The way an inspection report is written and explained can make or break your sale

Over my 15 years as a Realtor, I've seen what bad inspectors can do to real estate transactions. Whether an inspector misses something vital or doesn't explain issues correctly, their actions can lead to major problems with your sales. Our goal is to help make your sales process  go smoothly, by informing your clients of everything wrong with the property and explaining it to them in a way in which, they will understand the severity of issues and the approximate cost to rectify them.


Pre-Listing / Pre-Sale Inspections at No Upfront Cost

Have you ever bottom lined a contract on one of your listings and then have the sale fall apart once all the problems with the home were discovered in the buyers inspection?  Not Anymore! Bradenton Home Inspections, performs pre-listing inspections which allows you and your seller to attend to issues with the home, before you have an offer on the table. The best part is, the inspection fee isn't due until closing! Most real estate transactions involve 2 sets of negotiations, the initial price negotiation and then the adjusted price negotiation after all of the homes defects are discovered. Now you can save your clients the time and hassle of dealing with 11th hour negotiations, while building trust with buyers and giving your listing a competive advantage.

Infrared Moisture Mapping Included

I'm a certified level 1 Thermographer. In all of our standard home inspections we use an infrared camera on the entire structure to identify an array of issues from latent moisture, electrical problems, holes, cracks, leaks and more...The majority of Home Inspectors do not have the equipment, training or years of experience using infrared technology that we have at Bradenton Home Inspections. Every home we go into has something that is uncovered by using infrared technology, some of those things are small and unimportant, but some of the issues will make a huge difference in the value of a home. If you aren't using infrared technology in your inspections, you aren't doing a thorough inspection.

Live Support

Have you ever been on a showing and a question about the property came up that you couldn't answer? Maybe the question was something a plumber, electrician or builder would be more qualified to address. With Bradenton Home Inspections you can have those questions answered by qualified professionals on the spot. Our clients have access to a network of home specialists standing by to answer your questions. Simply take a picture and text the question, within 15 minutes your question will receive a detailed answer and explanation. 

Video Walkthroughs

We like our clients to be at the inspection so, we can explain in person, the findings of our report. Home buyers can't always make it to the Inspection, but that doesn't mean they should miss out on a walkthrough. If your client can't make it to the inspection, we will video chat with them via Skype or Facetime to go over our findings, while we are at the property. We will point out any problems or concerns and explain to them the severity and approximate cost to fix those issues. 

Ekey Ready

If you don't want to come to the inspection, don't worry about it, we've got you covered. We are Ekey ready and have access to the MLS so, no need to let us in. 

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CALL NOW:  941.243.8796

2016 Bradenton Home Inspections  FL. License # HI10788

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